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Horizon 5 May 20
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코멘트 Hemingway
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9 댓글
thrishulayadav 13 Sep 19
I’m always interested in learning about new content tools because I’m noticing that relevancy is probably the most important ranking factor. This is the reason why keyword stuffing won’t work wonders anymore. Hemingway just doesn’t include help with how relevant your content is to your audience. Been working with a new tool called “INK”, it has built-in SEO features. Another good tool for my tool box, wanted to share it with my fellow bloggersrachanaayodhya@gmail.com 13 Sep 19
I just lost weeks crafting a beast of an article, and look at that, there it is, not ranking. Some of you have linked to INK on other reviews, does this really help with ranking?sravya 26 Sep 19
I’m not the most visual learner, so Hemingway was only easy to use once I got used to all the color-coded suggestions. I like the features that Hemingway includes and I obviously like the fact that it’s free, just for kicks started looking for alternatives. Grammarly isn’t free, INK is. {I’ve only used the INK app a couple of times but the interface seems less disruptive and has some content optimization features as well.thrishulayadav@gmail.com 26 Sep 19
alone won’t help your content rank in Google.I’ve used Hemingway with optimization tools together since I started out but still not ranking well in search results. Been experimenting with INK because it gives suggestions for ranking as well as writing by comparing my work to similar content already on the internet.thrishulayadav 26 Sep 19
Hemingway has no idea how search engines like Google prioritize articles. It will help you write better but it won’t help you rank better. Don’t get me wrong, I still rely on Hemingway, but I’ve been relying on INK’s content relevancy more lately.thrishulayadav 27 Sep 19
To rank, you without a doubt have to invest in a competitive analysis of what’s already ranking for your target keyword. The Hemingway editor hasn’t helped me or my team in this regard to our content creation process. Next quarter, we plan to test out INK, it’s supposed to give notes to help improve relevancy and rankings.sari 30 Sep 19
In order to get search engines to prioritize your blogs posts, you must invest in a competitive analysis. Hemingway hasn’t helped me or my team in this regard in our content creation workflow. Next quarter, we plan on using INK. It’s supposed to provide feedback to help improve relevancy and rankingsDavid 14 Oct 19
To have the best chance of ranking in Google results, you absolutely need to complete a competitive analysis of what’s already ranking for your target keyword. The Hemingway editor hasn’t really helped my team with this incredibly important part in the content creation workflow. For our next sprint, we plan to try INK. It’s supposed to provide feedback to help improve ranking potential.rachanaayodhya@gmail.com 14 Oct 19
I’m not the most visual learner, so for me, Hemingway was only easy to use once I got used to all the color-coded notes. I like Hemingway’s features, just for the heck of it I’ve been looking for alternatives. {I’ve only used INK a couple of times but the interface seems less intrusive and also has some content optimization features.