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Wed June 05, 2024
(ABC7 Los Angeles)
The drugs aren't coming from the border, they're all coming from LAX
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(WAVY Virginia)
Guy who lost his heirloom wedding ring on one of Virginia's busiest beaches has bro-in-law post on the right Reddit group read by local Metal Detecting-Good Samaritan, needle-haystack ensues
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The Martin County Sheriff's Office would like to remind criminals using their new drive-in arrest program to wear pants
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(CBS News)
Abandon all hope, ye who enter New York
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Tue June 04, 2024
(AP News)
Good News:If you lost your dumb bell in Louisiana, it has been found. Bad News: It was padlocked to a human skull
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FBI says the rent is too damn AI
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News: British red gets dethroned by Irish green. Fark: Traffic lights. Ultrafark: In Syracuse, NY
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Former owner of a "fake" Degas painting in disgust to discover it was actually authentic. Oop$
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(Atlanta Black Star)
Florida teens reenact Fast & Furious to save passed-out man in sinking car. Vin Diesel would be proud
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(FB Photos)
Photoshop this "To Go" order
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(Straits Times)
Egyptian man who survived shipwreck denies causing Greece boat disaster. Oh, well, I guess that settles it then
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Chang'e 6 released a tiny rover to photograph the lander. It has also launched collected lunar samples where they will rendezvous with a robotic version of Michael Collins before returning home to China
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(1011 Now Lincoln)
Woman found alive after being found dead is found dead again
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(Everett Herald)
Cause of plane crash at Harvey Airfield not yet determined, although authorities suspect an invisible six foot 3 1/2 inch-tall rabbit
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Man who farked around with his Hellcat in Seattle has hiat his first FO speed bump
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(CBS News)
"10 past the hour, KQOP radio. Be caller 10 with the word of the day to win, hint-word that pays rhymes with smsmorshun"
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
♪ We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue / And then the bridge will collapse ♪
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(Local10 WPLG)
Apple tags FTW
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"What are you in for?" "I pointed a laser pointer at some endangered birds"
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(European Space Agency)
Photoshop this intergalactic web
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(Al Jazeera)
China denies fueling Russia-Ukraine war tensions, says it supports peace. Oh, well, I guess that settles it then
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"Do not let your friends urinate on you." YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO
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Today in viral news that is spreading quickly: Gonorrhea cases reach record high in England
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1944, the Nazi submarine U-505 was captured, after prior attempts to capture the U-404 failed when it could not be found
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(Al Jazeera)
Russia denies being involved in Eiffel Tower coffin stunt. Oh, well, I guess that settles it then
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Australia, where the geese were once 2m tall and weighed a quarter ton
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(Some Guy)
Caption this sleep deprivation
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Well, it makes subby less likely to violently kill you before noon, for one thing
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UK's 4,000-year-old 'Seahenge' structure finally decoded: It's like Stonehenge but under the sea
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The YOLO economy is dying, which probably wouldn't be happening if it just stopped asking people to hold its beer while it did stupid shiat
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(AP News)
Inspired by never knowing the story about his grandfather's death in WWII, Idris Elba is helping to uncover the lost stories of soldiers of color. "That part of my family's history has been erased somewhat"
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...and now you know the rest of the story of Beijing's Tiananmen Square 'Tank man'
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What could actually help the mental-health crisis in America? Getting up off our asses
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(Some Guy)
Teens beat up homeless man and remove his colostomy bag. That takes guts
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(The Smoking Gun)
One guesses as a funeral worker 'taking a fancy to a dead man's sex doll and trying to smuggle it away in a body bag' is better than actually jumping on the the dead guy for a quickie
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Dr. Tenpenny owes way more than that in taxes. Bonus: you can't explain what they're famous for
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Bison proves once again that age does not always equal wisdom. Yellowstone Park officials remind visitors "Don't pet the fluffy cows"
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(AP News)
CEOs earned 200 times what their workers did last year. In related news, nobody wants to work anymore
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(USA Today)
Photoshop this professional ball handler
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Mexico president-elect called a "less Jewish Jew" because she thanked Jesús for all his support
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Newborn surrendered at Hobbs baby box. Calvin is grateful
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(CTV News)
Airline: Sorry we lost your luggage. Here's a big steaming bowl of jack
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(Stars and Stripes)
US Court of Appeals rules Coast Guard illegally forced 100s of enlisted staff into retirement using fake force reduction excuse. Here comes that sweet back pay, increase pension bennies
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Nothing happened 35 years ago in Tiananmen Square
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Plane grounded. Infectious Disease Team removes at least one passenger. Nothing to see here, move along
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Day 832 of WW3: Putin faces protest as Kyiv fires first US weapon inside Russia. Russian women ask Putin defence minister to return their husbands from Ukraine. No word yet as to condition they'll be returned in. It's your Tuesday Ukraine war thread
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(YLE (Finland))
Forget it, man. I can't party to Vivaldi
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(Red Lake Nation News)
Ever made a a snowball and then saved it in the freezer, then brought it out when weather's warm? This guy did. "Look, hail the size of cantaloupes"
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Honey Creek becomes Pooh Corner after sewer discharges into it
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Good news, we've found the raisin for your toddler's sinus pain
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